Where Small Steps Become Giant Leaps : River School

Knowing first steps are foundational, we’ve been 18 months - Grade 3 since 2000.

Now we've grown an Upper Elementary program (Grades 4-5)!

We cherish being a part of a child’s early years and helping each child develop a love of learning. Dedicated to children from 18 months through Grade 5, we bring energy and innovation to teaching core academics, and foster children’s growth in social cognition, independence, communication, creativity, and problem solving. 

We provide a nurturing, developmentally appropriate environment in each classroom. Our philosophy is grounded in The River School’s Pillars, ten elements that define our remarkable school.

Our unique co-teaching model pairs a master’s level educator with a speech-language pathologist in each classroom. Our curriculum is designed to enliven learning across the domains, building each year as a student moves through the program through Grade 5. 

Children thrive in an environment of experiential and collaborative learning through a thematic curriculum, which empowers children as they learn. Children engage in drama, music, art, physical education, yoga, and science led by our special teachers. Inspired by our talented and experienced faculty, our students are encouraged every day to ask questions, explore and discover.

Ready to learn more? Visit us today at https://riverschool.net/.


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